Transculturality in Artistic Research
In a globalised (artistic) world we consider western music tradition as one among many traditions. This attitude acknowledges existing hegemonial power relations, but it aims to enhance the ability of the participants to reflect on one's own artistic practice and art-based scientific methods, and to experience them in different social, cultural and artistic contexts. This implies the awareness of multifaceted power-structured conditions of artistic practices.
Workshop 30.5. - 4.6.2022 at mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Vienna, Austria >>

In a post-colonial context the development of diverse reflexive approaches should support students to find, develop, articulate and communicate their own standing. This also contributes to the ability of finding / developing / presenting one’s own artistic and professional niche. The workshops will start with introductory lectures and workshops by experts, from mdw as well as external. The following workshops will create a space for interaction between the participants, who will then develop a transdisciplinary and transcultural field-performance – a performance space allowing both, the presentation of autonomous individual artistic contributions and their interaction and fusion – and explore different methodologies of transcultural artistic research. Paradigmatic methods will be identified for further exploration and documented in the web-platform of RAPP Lab. Meet the Lab 4 team here and get a view inside the programme here.