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From the beginnig of our project in 2020 to the end of the project in August 2023 we run several activities: besides our six Labs there were several events which have been open to a wider public or to a multiplier audience:

Recent activities

May 12, 2023, 01:00 PM

International conference "reflect and react"

The economic-cultural environment with which musicians and artists are confronted nowadays also challenges the culture of teaching and learning at Higher Education Institutions in the Arts: How to offer a multiplicity of choices without losing deepness and focus? How to support diversity in artistic agencies and sensibilization for social and political contexts of the arts? How to create learning and teaching atmospheres in which collaboration and responsibility are in focus? How to sensibilize students for their relationship to their own artistic practice? This conference brings together the results of two EU-co-funded strategic partnerships with twelve international institutions in the field: RAPP Lab and REACt have both explored the impact of Artistic Research methodologies for teachers and students at Higher Education Institutes: What influence do they have on artistic practice, research and teaching? How can these methodologies contribute to the design of study programmes and curricula? Which teaching and learning formats for students on masters, doctorates and even bachelors level can be informed by artistic research and how? We invite interested guests to discuss and collaborate with international experts of Artistic Research and decision makers in Higher Education Institutes. Let's reflect and (re)act! (find us at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln)

Artistic direction: Prof. Dr. Evelyn Buyken




  • May 12, 2023, 01:00 PM


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