Embodied Reflection in Artistic Practice
I perform, I resonate, I move, I reflect - the potential of this doing is entangled with (often inaudible) words, with tangible sounds, imaginations and bodily gestures. The third RAPP Lab at the HfMT Cologne focusses on the tacit dimensions of the sensorial-emotional and social knowledge of and in artistic practice, research and education. In try-outs, in workshops, in interdisciplinary and dialogical sessions, in discussions.
Workshop from 2.- 6.5.2022 at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne, Germany >>

Starting points
Reflection as a holistic phenomenon of movement,
sound and wordsReflection as sensing sound, space and movement
Reflection as multisensory inquiry
Based on the HfMT Colognes' specific profile in which music and dance programs work in practice and research side by side and in collaboration, the Cologne RAPP Lab is able to provide a diversity of frames to playfully experiment with how sound and movement open up research perspectives for one another. As practical analysis, simultaneously doing what we reflect on, inviting others to reflect on what we do. How can we re-work habitual techniques through each others methods? Or what does it mean to explore e.g. rituals like stepping on stage as mechanism that pose questions about non-binary takes on what has traditionally been addressed as the ‚mind-body-split‘? Since there is no ‚pre-skill‘ in artistic actions just as little as reflecting on them happens 'post-skill', we would like to dedicate the third RAPP Lab to the probing and exchange of methods in which the various dimensions of embodied reflexion in artistic practices in music and dance are encouraged and stimulated.
Teachers and artists from music and dance department of the HfMT Cologne will facilitate the sessions. As guest teachers Nina Sun Eidsheim (USA) and Lars Frers (Sociology of Space, Norway) will enrich the team with external perspectives.
Please find more information in our digital flyer.